Enoch Baptist - Good Samaritan
Family Life Center:
The Family Life Center houses summer camp from 6:30am-6:00pm five days a week for children, primarily from our neighborhood, the Enoch Bapstist Academy, and after school care program throughout regular school year. The building was built on land donated to Enoch Baptist from Good Samaritan to serve the local community. Contact Enoch Baptist Church for more information.
Western Bayside Community United
The western bayside neighborhood organization of local churches, civic leagues, and the city working as one to enrich the quality of life the Bayside region of Virginia Beach for our neighborhood.
Twice a year, WBCU holds Community Day on our church grounds with over 2500 people in attendence.
Several civic organizations help in providing health care screenings, tutoring, food pantries, and other services.
More information on WBCU events and missions can be found on Facebook.
A family sized church, we at Good Samaritan expend our energy in outreach programs to our neighbors in community.
Our Community Garden provides fresh produce for local foodbanks and families.
We partner in ministry partner within Western Bayside Community United, with ties to Enoch Baptist, Heritage Methodist, Ebenezer, and Virginia Wesleyan University.
Our congregation affirms physical and intellectually challenged of all ages.
Service: Traditional Eucharist Rite II
🌈 Good Samaritan welcomes and affirms the LGBTQIA community and invites you to join us for worship in a safe place. Rev. Ann and the congregation of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach welcome and affirm all people as the beloved children of God!